OK, so I am about to officially out myself as a nerd. I am a HUGE Doctor Who fan. I have been a fan most of life. I first discovered Dr. Who when my family
bought our first VCR, (way back when). I
remember I set the timer on the record function to test it (because I was a kid
and kids know how to use technology better than adults) and it recorded our
local Chicago PBS station in the middle of the night. The next morning I woke up and raced
downstairs to see if the VCR recorded anything, I didn’t care what it was it
was just fascinating to find out if it recorded on its own.

Now as Doc Holiday would say, my nerdom knows no
bounds. I have gone to Dr. Who conventions,
met Patrick Troughton & Colin Baker.
I even have a hand knit replica of Tom Baker’s scarf (thanks to my Grandmother). I have gone to comic con and horror
conventions. I have met Tom Savini and
George A. Romero. But I like to fool
myself and point out I may be a nerd but I am a pyrotechnician, make my own
wine and play guitar so I am not that bad of a nerd.

they screw this up so bad?
I really do like the way they put Tom Baker in the show, if you’re not
going to use anyone from the classic days that is the way to do it. But come on guys there are 4 other doctors
still alive that would have been in it.
It is kind of cool to see that they reached back and pulled out the Zygons
for a classic enemy. But the story is
not even consistent with the new series events let alone with the previous 40
years before! It seems like Steven
Moffat does whatever he wants and explains it by saying “hey it’s about time
travel”. There has to be some rules some consistency to
help the improbable be believable.
I found that the BBC movie An Adventure in Space and Time was incredible. I preferred the movie about the making of the
series more than the 50th special.
I really like the end of it; you will know what I mean when you see it. I also liked the comedy spoof that the BBC
put up with the classic Doctors better than the special. It is really sad when that happens. I know that they thought it would be funny to
do the spoof, and it was, but it didn’t have to be so true.
In the end I will keep watching the show, I am a fan. But on an occasion as special at the 50th anniversary WTF! How do you not put in that which gave you the 50 years in the first place? Yes I know that it is a new series separate from the old that pays tribute in its own way, but this was the 50th. I do like the better production of the new series. It is nice so see better special effects and better music than in the old days. But there is something that warms the heart with the cheesy music and$0.00 budget special effects from the old episodes.
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